Being lured by the low price can cost you more than just your money. For those with hectic work schedules and constant commitments, aligners may seem
like the last idea on your mind. Many times, people ultimately end up ordering aligners and braces online to save time and money. The lack of time investment sounds great at first, but with ordering
orthodontics online, there are a significant number of risks associated with mail-order. In short, no, they are not safe at all. Here’s why orthodontics treatments ordered by mail isn’t the best
option for your teeth.
The Dangers of Orthodontics by Mail Treatments:
You’re Not Properly Diagnosed – Many online aligner companies don’t offer dental pathologies before treatments. Once the procedure is cleared, the procedure is not regularly
supervised by a dentist or orthodontist. An undiagnosed issue can make an aligner situation worse, and these dentists will likely miss any severe conditions that could affect your aligners, such as
periodontal disease, moving teeth, and oral lesions.
No mail-order dental aligner can replace the years of experience an orthodontist has under their belt. That’s why Dr. Adeola Faleye, at The Orthodontic Clinic, P.C, provides affordable financial
planning for the most severe cases of dental care. Located in Bartlett and East Memphis, TN, Dr. Faleye, alongside his excellent team of orthodontists will be able to address any problems you may
have with your teeth and give you proper aligners that will fit perfectly. Call today to schedule an appointment!
From our two locations in Bartlett and Memphis, TN, The Orthodontic Clinic P.C. proudly serves our community with the assistance of our team of orthodontic experts. We provide flexible appointment times and personalized care that ensures the incredible results you need and a beautiful smile that will be with you forever.